Hello folks! I'm back believe it or not--so sorry for not keeping you updated on the series of events. Starting the second week of June I was gone for three weeks straight. One week of CYF (Christian Youth Fellowship) camp, one week of junior counseling for an elementary camp, and one week of an intense mission trip in South Dakota.
CYF camp was a time of fellowship and renewal. We had so much fun delving into the Bible, playing games, making new friends, worshiping every night, and generally goofing off:) I absolutely LOVED every minute of it. What a great experience....... whew. I'm still riding a high from that week if you hadn't guessed already.
Week #2 was junior counseling at elementary camp. This camp had such a different atmosphere than CYF. It was more laid back, and I had a bigger responsibility as a leader and a role model. For me personally, it felt good to come out of CYF and immediately have a chance to share my love for Christ. And I couldn't have asked for a more willing and receptive audience. Those kids were angels, I loved hanging out with them:)
Last, but not least came the EPIC mission trip to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. A total of 19 teens and 6 adult leaders (well supplied with jolly ranchers) headed off on June 22. We didn't really know what to expect or what was going to be required of us, but our spirits were high and we felt ready to face anything.
2 days later we landed in a small town (not too far from Wounded Knee) where a Youthworks base was established. (This organization is great! Their program staff were exceptionally helpful and very supportive. We wouldn't have survived without their wisdom and guidance;))
The first couple of days were pretty rough for us. We were complete foreigners merely trying to help out in this small community. The culture, the lifestyle, the people--everything was new to us. All we saw on the first day was the outside of things--the brokenness, the poverty--and circumstances we hadn't expected.
Then we met some of the people living there, worked more determinedly than ever, and strengthened the community within our group. That's when we looked deeper than just the outside--that's when we discovered the beauty of our surroundings and the Indians we were working with. Finding that beauty made the rough edges so much easier to deal with and gave us Hope.
JC and COMO First Christian Church Group. We called our selves FCCC
(First Christian Church Crew.) |
One morning we hiked up to the Camel Back Butte behind the school for devotionals. From up on our little mountain we could see for miles around, hear the birds, smell the yucca blossoms, and admire God's creation from a perspective we had never felt.
South Dakota is a wonderful place! One our way back we drove through the Black Hills. The scenery there was breath-taking. We had to stop several times to take a gazillion pictures:)
Mount Rushmore!!!!!!! |
Hullo Buffalo. We went to a farm where they let us feed the Buffalo treats. |
We had great times during the 16 hour car ride. Whoopee! |
I am the most thankful little girl for these wonderful times I have had. I praise God for everything that happened in those short three weeks and ask Him to continue guiding me in the Way that is Good.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. --Romans 8:28
(photo credits go to my big bro. Austin Dey and Dani Jennings. Check out Dani's awesome photography website