My dear friend Catherine is a lovely writer! When she showed me this poem that she wrote I thought it was perfectly gorgeous:) Henceforth, Catherine is graciously letting me share it on my blog. Here 'tis:
A mirror is my enemy
Showing all my flaws
So many flaws
My face clouded with shame
I turn away
Forgetting I am perfect in God's name
An unending battle
No matter how much
It is never enough
This I know
I will not give up
Yearning to be beautiful
God, let me see through Your eyes
The beauty that cannot hide
Beneath the shallow waters
That I am drowning in
I am a child of God
An unending battle
No matter how much
It is never enough
This is know
I cannot give up
Yearning to be beautiful
Jesus I give up this fight
I am Priceless
Lift my eyes to Your light
I am Priceless
Shame is no more
I am Yours
I am Priceless
You ended my battle
No matter how much
You are always enough
Now I know
I surrender to You
I am beautiful
--Catherine B.