It's not often that I have the time to lay my hands on a good craft/sewing project, but since today was unofficially a day of rest in our household, I decided to finish some projects and see what I could find to work on. Not that I'm a terribly great seamstress or anything, but sewing is something I like to do, so at least there are good intentions and love (if not craftsmanship) thrown into each undertaking.
Firstly, I found (in my deep dank closet) a baby afghan that I had started for my niece Amelia.
Today I finished it off, though I only hope
that the middle isn't too noticeably bulgy.
The next one will be better I promise!
Next, I found (in our overflowing fabric box) some quilt blocks left over from a quilt Mom had made many years ago. It was a lot of fun designing the pinwheel design and sewing the blocks together to create a small quilt top. It was quite easy considering that the piecing had already been done for me:)
And yes, that is my fantastic
sewing machine that I won at the sewing expo in Kansas City! It's wonderful to work with, and
(with the assistance of a built in touch screen) does small embroidery projects
for me.
My final sewing venture of the
morning consisted of nearly finishing a baby quilt for my nephew, Ian. (It's
awful hard keeping up with these nieces and nephews:) It really has been a
joint project between me and Clara, but today I took the bit in my mouth and
worked on it some. I tied the back and the front together, and sewed the
binding on (though it still needs a little more work.) It doesn't look half bad,
if I do say so myself.
I especially love the little gangster dogs
and cats that we put in it!
in all, it was a hard day's work and it was nice to have the feeling of
accomplishment. Now, for hemming my brother's pants!
And when you get done with that you can come to my house and make me some roman shades for our bedroom windows.