
March 15, 2016


Bald eagles back in the cottonwood tree

The old brown hills are just about bare

Springtime sighing all along the creek

Magpies ganging up everywhere

Sun shines warm on the eastern slope

March came in like a lamb for a change

Gary's pulling calves at the old stampede

We made it through another on the northern range

Well the big Chinook blew in last week

Warm and strong from the western sea

Pretty soon water running everywhere

Heck it couldn't run fast enough for me

Broodmare's sleeping in the afternoon sun

She's shedding hair everywhere

Time for a change

George's pulling calves at the T-Y*

We made it through another on the northern range

Waddie's pulling calves at the Little E

We made it through another on the northern range
--Ian Tyson