
April 8, 2012

He is Risen!

     Happy Easter Sunday! Today was a lovely day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
     On our way to church this morning, Mom was reading to us some Easter prayers by Peter Marshall (The Prayers of Peter Marshall by Catherine Marshall.) Now I know that I have a tendency to quote other people on my blog a lot! but this prayer was so inspiring that I just had to share it with you....

     “We thank Thee for the beauty of this day, for the glorious message that all nature proclaims: the Easter lilies with their waxen throats eloquently singing the good news; the birds, so early this morning, impatient to begin their song; every flowering tree, shrub, and flaming bush, a living proclamation from Thee. O open our hearts that we may hear it, too!
      Lead us, we pray Thee, to the grave that is empty, into the garden of the Resurrection where we may meet our risen Lord. May we never again live as if Thou were dead!
     In Thy presence restore our faith, our hope, our joy. Grant to our spirits refreshment, rest and peace. Maintain within our hearts an unruffled calm, an unbroken serenity that no storms of life shall ever be able to take from us.
     From this moment, O living Christ, we ask Thee to go with us wherever we go; be our Companion in all that we do. And for this greatest of all gifts, we offer Thee our sacrifices of thanksgiving.”               Amen.  

He is not here: for he is risen, as he said.”
Matthew 28:6

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