
November 28, 2013

Homemade Christmas

I am absolutely thrilled to begin this series!!!

Most people complain about the commercialism and expense of Christmas. Parents outdo themselves in gift-giving, yet children soon tire of their brand new toys. Some people mean well by giving overly expensive gifts only to find out that it was ill received and secretly returned to the store. There must be a better way to show the Christmas spirit! --A less expensive and more meaningful way to express your love to others.

That’s why I’m starting this blog series: (Which I’m completely stoked about:)) to share ideas and resources that can help you save money and (hopefully) relish the experience much more. Welcome to “The Homemade Christmas!” Sit back and relax to enjoy the world of creation and ideas!

There will be posts with decorating ideas including homemade wreaths, Christmas tree ornaments, paper chains, lights, how to make your own wrapping paper etc. The list goes on and on.

  I will share some of my favorite recipes and creative tips to make your home attractive to visitors. (Did you know that if you boil cinnamon sticks your house will smell absolutely lovely?)

The highlight of this series will be gift making--- or should I say gift ‘transforming’. We are going to take some old items from an antique store and transform them into something beautiful. This is the perfect way to make a gift personal not to mention that it is significantly cheaper than buying brand new materials. These posts will include ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures, how I went about it, and the net price of everything I used. Hopefully that will get your creative juices flowing so you can transform your own gifts.

And lastly I will throw in some delightful Christmas poems and the history behind Christmas hymns we sing all the time. Such as “Silent Night”, “Angels We Have Heard on High”, and “Lo How a Rose”.

Your thoughts and ideas are welcome. PULLLLLEEEEASE comment if you would like to contribute something. Sound like fun? Then let’s get started!